Only in Washington

While law-abiding Americans are forced to undergo body scans and searches to fly anywhere, illegal immigrants are being allowed to fly on commercial airliners without valid identification, according to the National Border Patrol Council. Not only is the Obama administration releasing people from other countries onto American streets, the Transportation Security Administration is permitting them to board planes coming to the U.S. by simply showing their "Notice to Appear" forms. This president is inviting another 9/11.

Where is
Secretary of State John Kerry - relaxing on his yacht, windsurfing off of Nantucket? No, he's actually on the job. Where? In Central America, seeking to halt the invasion of the U.S. by illegals? In the Middle East, trying to prevent an all-out war between Israel and Palestine? No, he's in China doing who-knows-what.

Look who's calling for more niceness in politics!
Vice President Joe Biden told the nation's governors meeting in Nashville that the "corrosive" politics of Washington is undermining the national inter
est. He bemoaned the ugliness of "the politics, the culture - it's becoming too personal." Bear in mind this is the man who insults Republicans at every opportunity, calling them "Neanderthals" and worse names. He and President Obama ridicule the tea party movement as "tea baggers." Biden addressed the National Governors Association after attending a Democratic fundraiser, where's there's no telling what slurs came out of his loud mouth.
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