Despite pleas from members of Congress - from both Democrats and Republicans - President Obama arrogantly refused to go from his Texas Democrat fundraisers to the border to witness for himself the humanitarian crisis caused by the deluge of illegal immigrants. An outraged Texas Democrat, Rep. Henry Cuellar, blasted Obama for "saying he's too busy to go down to the border, but you have time to drink a beer, play pool" with the governor of Colorado in Denver. Talk about bad "optics" - as the imagemakers say.

President Obama may still be the darling of the news media inside the Washington Beltway, but 38 journalism groups have assailed him for "politically driven suppression of news." In a letter to the president, the groups -- led by the Society of Professional Journalists -- charged that as access for reporters has been cut off, the administration has opened the door to "lobbyists, special-interest representatives, people with money."

Are congressional investigators getting close to a "smoking gun" in the IRS targeting scandal? Perhaps so. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released an April 2013 email by ex-IRS official Lois Lerner in which she said: "Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails -- so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails." Lerner contends two years of her emails were lost after a computer crash.
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