"He will go down as the worst president ever elected." - Who said that? A leading Republican? A conservative talk show host? No. It came from one of a number of black residents of Chicago's South Side at a protest rally. He also said: "For the president to set aside all of these funds for immigrants and forsaken the African-American community ... I think that's a disgrace."

There seems to be an epidemic of missing emails spreading through the federal bureaucracy in Washington. Congressional investigators have been stymied in their investigation of IRS targeting of conservative political groups because a key witness,
Lois Lerner, can't produce her communications with other agencies for a certain period of time. Now it's reported that a probe into Hatch Act violations at the Federal Election Commission has stalled because a suspect -- a former colleague of Lerner's -- had her computer hard drive "recycled."
A new Pew Research study shows that "America's image remains strong in much of the world." A median of 74 percent in Africa, 66 percent in Western Europe, 66 percent in Asia and 65 percent in Latin America voice an affirmative opinion of the U.S. Just 30 percent in the Middle East feel that way. But that's better than the rating Americans give their own country.
Only 28 percent said the U.S. "stands above all other countries in the world."
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