Aides to President Obama were warned repeatedly over the past two years of the humanitarian crisis that has developed on the southwest border of the U.S., but "the administration did too little to heed those warnings." The Sunday
Washington Post, in a highly critical front-page article, quoted a former Border Patrol station chief as saying federal officials viewed the situation as a "local problem."
Secretary of State John Kerry, in a marathon appearance on Sunday TV talk shows, supported Israel's right to defend its citizens from rocket attacks by the Palestine terrorist group Hamas. But he was caught on a "hot" microphone sarcastically mocking Israel, saying, "It's a hell of a pinpoint operation."

MSNBC host
Andrea Mitchell, until recently a solid supporter of President Obama, publicly criticized him for his relatively mild reaction to the shooting down of a commercial airliner over Ukraine whch cost the lives of 298 people. She said "the president's rhetoric ... was not even up to the moral outrage expressed by (UN Ambassador) Samantha Power."
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