A new study shows fist bumps are healthier than handshakes. How long will it take for President Obama to order a nationwide ban on handshaking? Politicians will be exempted, of course.

Does the Obama administration apply a double standard to religious freedom? The Daily Caller reports that then-Sen.
John Kerry, D-Mass., in the 2013 annual report on international religious freedom, declared religious liberty to be "a universal value ... a birthright of every human being." He was speaking on behalf of the State Department then -- now he's Secretary of State. The newspaper makes the point that Kerry was representing "the same federal government that tried to force a (U.S.) business to provide contraceptives contrary to the employers' religious beliefs."

Polls this far ahead of the 2016 presidential election don't mean very much, but the results of a CNN/ORC survey provide some grist for the slack summertime news mill. The poll showed if voters had to do the 2012 election over again, 53 percent would support Republican
Mitt Romney over the 44 percent who would continue to back Barack Obama.
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