President Obama's White House strategists finally learned a lesson: don't send Susan Rice to present the administration's views on the Sunday TV talk shows, after her disastrous performance on the Benghazi terrorist attack.
Secretary of State John Kerry is appearing this Sunday on all of the major networks, included the hated
Fox News, to defend all the Obama foreign policy blunders. (For a full listing of Sunday TV talk show guests, go to
haughtline.net ).

Are President Obama and his wife working at cross purposes?
First Lady Michelle Obama is actively promoting healthy eating to the extent of a broad scale attack on the American food industry for the products it supplies to the school lunch program. But when "the bear is loose" (White House jargon for Obama going off schedule) he pigs out on very unhealthy burgers and other junk food. In his recent travels he ate pizza in Denver, barbecue in Denver, burgers stuffed with cheese in Minneapolis and a milk shake in Washington, D.C.
The Washington Post excuses his indulgences by opinionating he's doing it to "connect with ordinary Americans."

How Your Taxes Are Spent
The U.S. State Department is spending $450,000 of your tax dollars to teach Afghan women to play
cricket. According to the terms of the grant, "participating in sports helps women feel empowered and teaches them the value of teamwork."