President Obama, before the election: "My policies are on the ballot."
President Obama, after the election, a resounding defeat of supporters of those policies: "I hear you."
Maybe -- but he didn't get the message. He served notice that he will continue to push for his liberal ideas that were overwhelmingly rejected by the voters.

Having a famous name doesn' t guarantee success in electoral politics.
Just ask former American Idol star
Clay Aiken, who lost a bid for a
North Carolina House seat by 17 points. Sandra Fluke, whose complaint
about not being able to pay for birth control put her into the national
spotlight failed in a try for a seat in the California State Senate by a
61-39 vote.

Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid, toppled from his lofty position in the Nov. 4 Republican wave, has turned conciliatory. The Nevada Democrat, whose arrogant, dictatorial control of the Senate was a leading cause of congressional gridlock, now says he wants to work with the new Republican majority next year "to get things done."
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