America's would-be king, Barack Obama, is on the road again, trying to justify his imperial decree that some 5 million illegal immigrants may forthwith enjoy the privileges of citizenship. In the most glaring flip-flop in White House history, Obama usurped the legislative powers given by the Constitution to Congress after repeatedly telling Latino groups he had no authority to do so. He defied the will of the people and their elected representatives should protest.

It's not just Republicans that are critical of President Obama's executive action on immigration. His former press secretary,
Jay Carney, said Obama contradicted his own words by suspending deportations. Mediaite.com reported Carney's view as "Obama doing exactly what he once said was unconstitutional."

The Obama administration must still be counting on the "stupidity" of Americans to achieve national health care. The candid confessions of a key Obamacare adviser let citizens know they were flim-flammed in the crafting of the law. Their mistrust in government has been heightened by clumsy attempts to pad the current enrollment numbers. HHS Secretary
Sylvia Burwell brushes it off as a "mistake" in calculation.
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