Is it time to start questioning MSNBC's credentials as a loyal, dedicated media outlet for liberals? The hosts of the Morning Joe program tried to come up with an explanation of why Hillary Clinton should run for president ... and were stumped.
Joe Scarborough compared her to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, who was unable give a reason why he was running for president in 1979.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who was House Speaker at the time the Obamacare was passed, pretends she doesn't know MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, whose now-public comments reveal how President Obama and other Democrats lied and cheated to get the votes for passage. But the Democratic leader of the Senate, Harry Reid, in 2009 heaped praise on Gruber, calling him "one of the most respected" in his field. He got $400,000 of taxpayers' money for his work on Obamacare.

Want to buy an island? Big liberal Democrat
Ted Turner has one he'll sell you for only $23.7 million. The CNN founder offers a 4,680-acre private sea island with subtropical forests, white beaches, and spectacular views with a five-bedroom house (plus one for a caretaker) and self-sufficient energy. St. Philips Island is located off the Atlantic coast near Hilton Head, S.C.
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