President Obama wants you to know he's really serious about global warming. He is even going to theAlaskan Arctic to push his agenda to cut carbon dioxide emissions. Ironically, the Daily Caller reports, the presidential jet taking him there and back will emit lots of that gas. Air Force One will emit about 354,585 pounds of CO2 just for the leg from Washington, D.C. to Elmendorf Air Force base in Alaska, a refueling stop.

"You got to sorter give and take in this old world. We can get mighty rich, but if we haven't got any friends, we will find we are poorer than anybody." - Will Rogers
Pre-debate pronouncements:
"I'm going to push back, and push back hard." - Rick Perry.
"I think I'm a nice person. I really do. I'm not looking to take anybody out or be nasty to anybody. - Donald Trump, who added, "I've always counterpunched."
"I'll be showing up with my big-boy pants on." - Jeb Bush
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