In the face of White House admission that a so-called torture report would endanger U.S. facilities and individuals "all around the world" and despite pleadings by Secretary of State John Kerry that release of the report be delayed, Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee, who compiled the findings, seemed bent on going ahead with their foolish plan.
The report deals with intelligence-gathering practices on terrorist suspects following the 9/11 attacks. Those who have read the report said it includes new details about the CIA's use of such techniques as sleep deprivation, confinement in small spaces, humiliation and having water poured over their faces. How many survivors of the 3,000 victims of the terrorists' cowardly attacks would rather their loved ones had endured these measures rather than sacrifice their lives?
"You're as smart as any guy." - Vice President Joe Biden to females in a group of middle-

school students attending a session with President Obama urging them to learn computer programming and coding basics. Noah Rothman of hotair.com, reporting the incident, wrote: "It's striking that the feminist community, which occupies itself being offended by the 'tyranny' of home cooked meals, an artist's depiction of Spider-Woman's posterior, or the patriarchy associated with a scientist's colorful shirt, has somehow overlooked these inartful comments from the person next in line to serve as leader of the free world."
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