Here comes another Obamacare authority calling Americans stupid. Former Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius wasn't quite as plainspoken as Obamacare planner Jonathan Gruber, but her point was clear: "A lot of Americans have no idea what insurance is about," she told USA Today. "I think the financial literacy of a lot of people ...is very low."
With headlines and news shows screaming about a Republican congressional staffer who expressed a negative opinion about the Obama daughters' attire and attitude, former Democratic Senate aide Donny Ray Williams Jr. pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting two women in 2010. Mary Katharine Ham of hotair.com writes: "I'm betting he doesn't make the nightly newscasts."

"You have to know when to leave." - Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a New York Democrat, airing the feeling of many of her colleagues that it's time for House Minority Leader
Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to step down after the sweeping defeats in the midterm elections.
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