Celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Whoopi Goldberg, Amy Schumer and Chelsea Handler broke their promises about leaving the U.S. if Donald Trump won the election, but Wole Soyinka kept his word. The Nobel Prize-winning author threw away his green card and went back to Africa.

President-elect Donald Trump did more than thank voters for their support in a "thank you" tour that began in Ohio, following a stop in Indiana where he spoke at a Carrier plant he kept from closing, saving 1,100 jobs. He also announced he will appoint retired Marine Gen. James N. "Mad Dog" Mattis to be Secretary of Defense.Well, it's California.
It's now okay to urinate on the sidewalk in San Francisco. A Superior Court judge said he and his colleagues tossed out 66,000 arrest warrants because they felt it made no sense to lock people up for fines they couldn't afford to pay.
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