Make up your own tune:
Make room on Mt. Rushmore for another famous face,
Make room for Hillary Clinton, assuming she wins this race.
Obama said she was the most
Qualified person to hold his post
In all of U.S. his-tor-ee.
So move over Abe and Teddy, move over Tom and George,
And make room for Hill-a-ree.
Bill Clinton was caught on camera dozing off while his wife Hillary was giving her nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic national convention, and the Donald Trump campaign quickly took advantage. A Trump ad of the video said, "Even Bill is tired of the lies, SAD. It's time to wake up and make America great again."
Donald Trump foolishly took the bait the Democrats threw in his face with the artfully staged appearance at their convention of Khizr Khan, a Muslim father who blamed the Republican presidential nominee for the loss of his son in Iraq 12 years ago. Trump responded, as expected, with kind words at first. But he went farther and made a crack about Mrs. Kahn's faith. Totally unnecessary, but it brought down more wrath.