U.S. senators ought to be required to fly coach class like the majority of airline passengers. Then they might think differently about a proposal to prohibit any further reductions in seat sizes and leg room. An amendment to impose such a moratorium failed on a 54-42 Senate vote.

Bernie Sanders, who apparently was born angry and never got over it, let loose with a list of reasons why he thinks Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president, including her support of the Iraq war and trade agreements and her close ties to Wall Street. He failed to list
her lack of know-how about riding New York subways.
Politicians continue to tell voters how "open" they want to be, then go to great lengths to thwart efforts to report fully on their activities and statements. Reporters are barred from Hillary Clinton's fundraising events and when she held an outdoor fundraiser in Denver, her campaign team used a "static noise" machine aimed in the direction of the press emitting a throbbing sound like a helicopter to drown out her remarks.
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