Super Tuesday 2 was a cloudy day for Marco Rubio in the Sunshine state. Florida voters overwhelmingly picked Donald Trump over their home state U.S. senator and he suspended his campaign for president. Fortune smiled on John Kasich, the big winner in Ohio, where he's the governor.

President Obama made some important choices this week and it's hard to tell which ones drew the most stinging criticism. Republicans expectedly voiced strong opposition of his action in nominating Merick Garland to replace the late Antonin Scalia as a Supreme Court justice, and liberal activists called the 60-year-old white man "uninspiring" and "disappointing." Of his NCAA March Madness bracket, sports writer David Hookstead called it "complete trash" and "isn't worth the paper it's written on."
Unlike Republicans, Democrats can pad their convention delegate count with so-called superdelegates. This is a special group of political officeholders, Democratic National Committee members, other party luminaries and at least one convicted felon. He is former New York State Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver, who was convicted last December on federal corruption charges. The Daily Caller says neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders has disavowed him.
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