Billionaire casino owner Donald Trump hit the jackpot in Nevada, winning the Republican caucuses handily with 45.9 percent of the vote. It was his third consecutive victory on the road to the GOP nomination. Marco Rubio finished second with 23.9 percent of the vote, followed by Ted Cruz with 21.4 percent.

Vice President Joe Biden isn't embarrassing the Obama administration with many gaffes these days but something he said in the past is giving grief to the White House. In 1992 he said: "Once the political season is under way and it is, action on a Supreme Court nomination must be put off until after the election is over." That echoes the Republican opposition to President Obama's swift move to fill the vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia's death.
Taxpayers were rightfully angry to learn several months ago that incompetent Veterans Affairs officials had been rewarded with generous bonuses. The Daily Caller turned up another scandalous decision. After the St. Louis VA hospital potentially exposed 1,800 patients to HIV and was closed twice for serious medical safety issues, the manager, Rima Nelson, was not fired. Instead she was sent to the Philippines to manage a seldom-used clinic in Manila. She gets the same $160,000 salary and lives in a condo provided by the government.
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