President Obama surprised many when he signed the annual defense budget bill, which he previously had vetoed because it blocked the transfer of detained terrorist suspects to the U.S. But he hasn't changed his mind about closing the detention facility at Guantanamo. He's reported to be scheming to find away to sneak around the provisions of the law he signed.

"You're running for president! Your words matter!" Did that diatribe come from the mouth of a campaign consultant lecturing a candidate? Guess again. That's what an exasperated Chuck Todd said to Donald Trump on NBC's Meet the Press, challenging Trump's claim that thousands of New Jersey Muslims cheered at the 9/11 attack on New York City.
President Obama can talk all he wants to about global warming, but if carbon dioxide emissions have anything to do with it -- as he claims -- the president is a big contributor to the problem. The Daily Caller reports that his flight to Paris to join other world leaders at the UN climate summit emitted more CO2 than driving 72 cars for a year.
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