As we honor our nation's fighting men and women on Veterans Day, the Department of Veterans Affairs remains mired in a terrible scandal in which more than 300,000 vets may have died waiting for health care. Meanwhile, the agency continues to waste taxpayers' money on employees playing silly games like being "wheelbarrowed" around a gym on their stomachs.

Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz had a Rick Perry moment in the latest debate. He struggled to remember the five federal agencies he would do away with if elected and listed the Department of Commerce twice. Perry, in a 2012 election debate, simply couldn't remember.
Sources report Heather Fong, an advocate for sanctuary cities, is on the short list of candidates to become the new chief of the Border Control. When she was police chief of San Francisco, Fong shielded illegal immigrants, including those who had committed crimes, from deportation. Maybe not the best choice to head the agency that catches and deports illegals, especially those with a criminal history.