Attention bookworms: Would it surprise you to learn that one of the newest bestsellers is the Constitution of the United States? Perhaps propelled by the outcry over Indiana's religious freedom law, the 228-year-old document is landed at number seven on the Conservative Best Seller list for the week of April 1-7.

After 19 months of negotiations between the U.S. and Iran, President Obama proudly announced the result: a framework for a potential agreement on the hostile nation's nuclear program. Obama's happy talk about what he hopes to be his primary legacy was met with sharp barbs from Congress. Some members insist on a congressional review before any economic sanctions on Iran are lifted.
Despite their immense wealth, Bill and Hillary Clinton are still traveling here and there at the expense of American taxpayers. The Weekly Standard reports that when the former president and his wife spent a New Year's Eve holiday in the Dominican Republic, their Secret Service protection -- hotel bill alone -- cost at least $104,093.
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