After President Obama crowned himself with glory again in his State of the Union address, Congress can now get down to serious business, like al Qaeda, Obamacare, K-12 education, gun control, North Korea or comprehensive immigration reform -- which Obama did not mention in his hour-long speech.

It was an "in-your-face" message to a Congress with both houses now controlled by Republicans. He invited an illegal alien to be a guest of honor. He threw out proposals he knew couldn't pass and flaunted his veto power on bills not on his agenda. He was his most arrogant when he boasted about winning the 2008 and 2012 elections.
"Shouldn't this be about what can you get done?" -- NBC "Meet the Press" moderator Chuck Todd, accusing President Obama of making his State of the Union speech "about setting the table for 2016" rather than "what can you get accomplished." Chuck, a campaign speech is the only kind he knows how to give.
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