Introducing the "latte salute." The commander-in-chief introduced it when he returned a formal military salute with a disposable coffee cup in his hand. He made the disrespectful gesture as he stepped off his Marine Corps helicopter in New York.

White House press pool reports, written by a rotating small group of reporters for other journalists, are intended to be independent accounts of a president's activities. But that's no longer true, according to Washington Post writer Paul Farhi. He writes that President Obama's press aides have demanded changes in reports as a condition of their being disseminated to the media. Citizens should be disturbed about this kind of censorship.

Hillary Clinton might have a bigger worry than Sen. Elizabeth Warren,
D-Mass., whom liberals are trying to draft to run for president. Former
Virginia Sen.
Jim Webb acknowledged he is "seriously" considering being
a candidate in 2016. Some pundits say Webb, a Vietnam veteran and
former secretary of the Navy, would run as a "populist alternative" to
Clinton. A former political adviser, Mudcat Saunders, calls Webb
"redneck regal."
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