Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Democrats did it for themselves and now Republicans can do it as well." - CNN's Kate Bolduan, referring to a Senate rules change that makes it easier for a majority party to nuke a filibuster on presidential appointments.

Would-be vice president Tim Kaine automatically took the Democrat party line on Twitter when a Somali-born student at Ohio State University went on a bloody rampage. The Virginia senator tweeted that he was saddened by the "senseless act of gun violence." The attacker used a car and a butcher knife in his apparent act of terrorism.

California, in its campaign against global warming, is now targeting greenhouse gases produced by livestock, the Associated Press reports. To put it bluntly, California is regulating cow farts.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Reaction to the death of Cuba's brutal dictator, Fidel Castro, was mixed:

President Obama: "History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him."

President-elect Trump: “Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights ... our administration will do all it can to ensure the Cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty."

Former president Jimmy Carter - "Rosalynn and I share our sympathies with the Castro family and the Cuban people on the death of Fidel Castro. We remember fondly our visits with him in Cuba and his love of his country."

MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthew recalled that when Castro led a revolution and "knocked off the corrupt dictator Batista" he was regarded as a "romantic figure" and "almost like a folk hero." But he acknowledged that when "he began executing people" and turned pro-Soviet, "he was not a friend of the United States by any means at all."

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Donald Trump isn't the type to let Michele Obama tell him what he should eat, And he and his family had their choice of 24 items on the menu at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. They included "Mr. Trump's Wedge Salad", turkey, beef, lamb or seafood, and "Three-Layer Trump Chocolate Cake."

While Trump's meeting with Mitt Romney triggered speculation about a possible cabinet post for his former critic, the president-elect made a surprise announcement about two women - charter school advocate Betsy DeVos and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley - for high posts in the new administration. Did Trump find them in one of Romney's "binders"?

Mexico's president, Enrique Pena Nieto, stated flatly his country would not pay for the wall Trump wants to build on the south Texas border. But one Mexican firm, a cement maker, has offered to help on the project.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

During two campaigns and eight years as president, Barack Obama has been called a lot of names ... but "manspreader"? That's the term a Russian TV anchor used in excoriating Obama for acting in an "uncivilized" fashion toward President-elect Donald Trump. While Trump was behaving "humbly" in their recent meeting in the White House, "Obama sat with his legs wide open ... (manspreading) a demonstration of male domination," said Dmitri Kiselyov.

Trump, a harsh critic of Hillary Clinton in the campaign, now is saying kind words about her. But a shopping mall Santa in Sanford, Fla., told children she is on his "naughty list." He was reassigned and required to take training on being a symbol of goodwill for all.

 Have you heard the Trumps are separating? The president-elect told reporters he would live in the White House. His wife Melania will continue to live in the Trump Tower in New York with their young son Barron.

Monday, November 21, 2016

When Vice President-elect Mike Pence went to see Broadway hit "Hamilton" he didn't expect to get a hit himself. But as he and his family were leaving the theater one of the actors stepped out of character and delivered a pointed political lecture from the cast. Another rude act by the sore losers.

President Obama completed his final foreign visit, which was interspersed with news conferences in which he tried desperately to save his dream of a legacy. His command of press attention is a reminder that Obama has 60 days to exercise the power of the presidency to defend his record of failure and do what he can to instill his policies.

"We did not have any major scandals in my administration." - Barack Obama. Not unless you count the IRS scandal, the VA scandal, the Benghazi scandal, and on and on

Friday, November 18, 2016

Are the Ryans taking over leadership of the House of Representatives? Republicans have endorsed Paul Ryan, R-Wis., for another term as House Speaker. But Democrats, seeking a new direction after their party's disastrous election results, may replace Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in her long-held position as top House Democrat. Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio has announced he's running for Minority Leader.

Sources say President-elect Donald Trump is considering arch-critic Mitt Romney for Secretary of State. In the campaign, when some Republicans tried to deny Trlump the nomination, the two exchanged bitter insults. Romney called Trump a "phony." Trump said Romney "choked" and lost the 2012 election. Maybe Trump will offer Romney a "phony" cabinet position.

How Your Taxes Are Spent
The Department of Education wasted over $2.2 billion in taxpayer dollars in improper payments of federal financial aid to low-income college students during the past year. An agency report blames a "failure to verify financial data." Additionally, almost  $4 billion was misspent in the government's regular student loan program.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

One of Donald Trump's campaign promises was that he would  "drain the swamp." Who knew that he would begin with "draining the swamp" at his own transition team -- getting rid of lobbyists that "Bridgegate Scandal"-ridden New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had brought on.

The doctor is not in. Noted neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who made a short run for president then joined the Donald Trump team, took himself off the list of potential cabinet members, saying he could best serve the president outside the administration.

Will "Lyin' Ted" be the new president's first Supreme Court pick? Trump branded Texas Sen. Ted Cruz after he became one of his sharpest critics in the primaries. But a visit by Cruz to Trump Tower in New York signaled that all is forgiven.

Monday, November 14, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump has 4,000 jobs to fill and a bid on one of them comes from an unexpected source. Trump's first wife, Ivana, says she wants to be appointed ambassador to the Czech Republic. Trump's lawyers probably didn't think to cover that eventuality in the divorce settlement.

Standing on the frozen tundra of Antarctica, bundled up in a heavily insulated red parka, John Kerry was barely recognizable at the U.S. Secretary of State. He traveled to this forlorn part of the world, where on a warm day temperatures may reach 110 degrees below zero, before attending a global climate conference in Morocco where he'll likely rail against global warming.

Donald Trump says he'll forgo the $400,000 salary and be a dollar-a-year president, but he won't be the first. Two other wealthy occupants of the White House, John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover, both donated their salaries to charity.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The people have spoken and now chickens in Massachusetts are guaranteed their space. A ballot measure approved overwhelmingly in Tuesday's election prohibits farms in the state from confining any egg-laying hen, breeding pig or calf raised for veal in a manner that inhibits the animal from lying down, standing up, stretching or turning around freely.

Like many of his ilk, radical activist Al Sharpton said during the recent campaign he would leave the country if Donald Trump won. Now he says his comments were "all in jest." Comedian Amy Schumer also said she was kidding when she threatened to seek other shores.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson announces -- notably after the election -- that 46,195 illegal immigrants poured across the U.S.-Mexican border during October, an increase over 39,501 in September. And those are just the ones who were apprehended.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Effects of Tuesday's elections:

Winners: President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence; The desire for change; Republicans in both houses of Congress; governors in 12 states; Fox News, the stock market, the Investors Daily poll.

Losers: Hillary Clinton and Tim Kane; President Obama; The Establishment; The status quo; The New York Times; The Washington Post and other newspapers that forecast a Clinton victory, liberal TV show hosts, pollsters.

Unaffected: Dwellers on a remote desert island.

Monday, November 7, 2016

In her campaign, Hillary Clinton frequently said, "I'm sick and tired ..." That's one thing Donald Trump agreed with her on.

Despite all the money Bill and Hillary Clinton made from speeches, they used their "charitable" foundation's funds to pay for daughter Chelsea's wedding.

Clinton maid's job description: "Dust, vacuum, print classified emails ..."

Friday, November 4, 2016

Will Rogers was born on this date, November 4, 1879. The cowboy-philosopher, the multi-media star of his time in the 1920s and 30s, left a legacy of quotes that still hold true today.

"Truth can hurt you worse in an election than about anything that can happen to you."

"Elections are a good deal like marriages. There's no accounting for anyone's taste."

"There is only one redeeming thing about this whole election. It will be over at sundown, and let everybody pray that it's not a tie, for we couldn't go through with this thing again."

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Headline: Susan Sarandon Throws Her Support Behind Jill Stein for President. Who cares?

Hillary Clinton and her campaign flunkies implied that FBI Director James Comey laid his thumb on the scales by taking a look at emails that might be related to the email scandal. But her chief drumbeater, President Obama, disagreed. His flack, Josh Earnest, said the president was standing by his appointee.

Earnest said Obama "doesn't believe that Director Comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of an election. That's interesting. In his earlier report on the FBI investigation Comey said that while Hillary was "extremely careless" in using a private email server when she served as secretary of state, she did not mishandle classified information "intentionally."